Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Hairspray" cast profile: Alan Medrano

Alan Medrano doubles as the brainy IQ and the creepy gym teacher in "Hairspray"!

GCP Girl: Tell me a bit about your character.
AM: I play IQ, who is one of the Corny Collins Council. He's a nerdy and quirky character. I also play the gym teacher, who is a sleazebag. He's just creepy.

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
AM: Previously in the GCP, I was in "The Producers." I played Carmen Ghia and won an Apple for that role. At UF, I played Poncho Vargas in "City of Angels" and was a part of the ensemble of "Chicago."

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "Hairspray"?
AM: I was excited to keep busy with a fun dance show over the summer. These shows are always a great way to meet new people and to have fun performing.

GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show, and why?
AM: I'm torn between "Nicest Kids In Town" and "Hairspray." "Nicest Kids" is just such high energy and a blast of a dance number. "Hairspray" is fun because I get to do some partner dancing and it's just a cheesy number.

GCP Girl: Why should people see "Hairspray"?
AM: It's a fun, high energy show. It's got a good book and some pretty good song and dance numbers.

GCP Girl: What plays or musicals would you like to see GCP produce in an upcoming season?
AM: I would love to be in a production of Lippa's "John and Jen." Seriously, if you're reading this right now and you've never heard that music before, I suggest you drop what you're doing and download that soundtrack. It's incredible. Other shows I'd love to see produced on this stage include "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson," "Les Miserables," "Passing Strange," "Spring Awakening," "Bare," "Edges," "Next to Normal" and "In The Heights." But I haven't given it much thought.

GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
AM: I think the top of my list for roles I'd love to play is either Frankie Valli in "Jersey Boys" or Bert in "Mary Poppins." Realistically, I think I fit the part of Sonny from "In The Heights" pretty well also, so that's a pretty good role too.

GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
AM: It's a place to meet new people and a place to get people into theatre who have never had the opportunity.

GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
AM: I'm about to start my last year of school at UF, after which I will be moving to New York to try this whole acting thing professionally.

Thanks, Alan!  "Hairspray" starts its third week tonight - don't miss this show!

xo xo GCP Girl

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