Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Agnes of God" auditions are this weekend!

Attention, ladies! Auditions for the GCP production of "Agnes of God" are this Sunday and Monday, March 25-26. I got some inside info from guest director Carlos Asse.

GCP Girl: Why did you want to direct "Agnes of God"?
CA: Directing "Agnes of God" could be one of the most satisfying experiences that one could have on the stage. This play is part who-done-it, part psychological drama that should grab audiences from the moment of the first opening speech. A small and tight straight play that will allow the director and cast to explore the world of the characters created by John Pielmeier. It is a very powerful experience.

GCP Girl: Why should people audition for this show?
CA: This play contains three very strong character interpretations for women. There are not very many plays that afford the opportunity for actresses to sink their teeth into such meaty roles as this play gives. For this reason, it keeps appearing year after year in the marquees of theaters across the country.

GCP Girl: How should people prepare for the auditions?
CA: There are techniques that help actors with their auditions. You may work on those on your own. For this show, where we do cold readings from the script, my suggestion would be to read the play beforehand. Get to know what the part you are auditioning for is all about. For example, Agnes must sing throughout with a lovely soprano voice. Well, if you cannot sing, that is not the part for you. But if you feel you are capable of doing the role, then relax and give it your best try. There is an art to auditioning, and the more you do it, the better you get at it. Do not get discouraged by rejection. This play has only three parts in it, so if forty actresses audition, there will be 37 of them not getting cast. That is part of the process.

GCP Girl: What will you be looking for in a potential cast member?
CA: One needs someone that one feels could be believable in the role. But there may be three or four actresses that could play a specific role. Then, it all comes down to the chemistry on the stage that those potential cast members have among themselves.

GCP Girl: What are you looking forward to the most about this show?
CA: The rehearsal time with the cast has to be one of the highlights. Also, when one works with other designers and crew. The collaborative and creative process in which we get involved trying to tell the story well. When we all zero in and apply ourselves toward that single goal, it is amazing. That is the most gratifying, rewarding and thrilling part of working in theatre.

Thanks, Carlos, and a special thanks to co-director Jennie Stringfellow for her assistance! For more information about auditions for "Agnes of God," please visit the GCP Facebook page. Break a leg!

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