Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Singin' in the Rain" cast profile: Molly Knisley

Meet "Singin' in the Rain" cast member Molly Knisley, who plays Mrs. Simpson, wife of the studio head of Monumental Pictures!

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
MK: I was Hippolyta in High Springs Community Theatre's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in 2006. Then I did "Monty Python Vignettes" at Acrosstown. I went back to Shakespeare and was Gertrude in "Rosencrantz" at ART. I then played the Nazi maid in "Sound of Music" with the Star Center and went on to play the cop/butler and obnoxious pink lady in "Annie." My son, Ryan, was cast as Rooster in "Annie" and I volunteered my dog to be Sandy, and somehow I ended up with three roles in the show. My first GCP show was "It's A Wonderful Life" last Christmas.

GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
MK: "Monty Python" at ART was an amazing experience. We did improv during the show, which was something I had never done and I absolutely loved it.

GCP Girl: What do you feel is your area of expertise – singing, dancing or acting?
MK: I always wanted to be a dancer. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a ballerina. Unfortunately, at age 11, when all the girls in my ballet class were moving to pointe, my feet grew, as well as my two new best friends/worst enemies...My dance teacher suggested I stick with tap. I figured my prime as a dancer ended then. I always loved dancing, but as I got older opportunities to dance became almost nonexistent. I always loved musical theatre, but I wasn't the best actress and couldn't sing. I finally realized that if I wanted to continue to dance on stage, I'd need to learn how to sing and act.

GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of the "Singin' in the Rain" experience so far?
MK: The choreography and dancing and the amazing cast. We're a team and we all support and help each other.

GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
MK: Broadway Melody--without a doubt. This is a number I've always dreamed of dancing in.

GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
MK: Anything from "Chicago," Miss Hannigan in "Annie," Rosie in "Mamma Mia."

GCP Girl: What inspires you?
MK: My children.

GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
MK: It is an opportunity for people who truly love theatre to practice their art and their passion. Community theatre people (actors/crew/techies/ushers, etc.) are the some of the most passionate and dedicated people I've ever met.

GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
MK: I've always dreamed of being on stage. I made a choice after I graduated high school to either take a risk and try to make it as a dancer, or to play it safe and get a college degree and have a career. I picked the safe route and have a master's degree in nursing and have an outstanding career as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I have two wonderful children, too. I'm now pursuing my passion in the theatre. I see so many college kids pursuing their dreams now, and I often wonder, "What if....," but I love my family, my career and any role I have the privilege of playing.

Thanks, Molly! "Singin' in the Rain" resumes tonight at the Vam York!

xo xo GCP Girl

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