Friday, March 29, 2013

"9 to 5" cast profile: Leannis Maxwell

Leannis Maxwell plays Judy Bernly, a housewife-turned-secretary with a lot to learn on the job in "9 to 5"!

GCP Girl: Tell me a bit about your character.
LM: I play Judy Bernly, who is recently separated from her husband of many years, who recently left her for a 19-year-old named Mindi! This is her first job - she's terrified, nervous, inexperienced, naive, out of her element and out of place (and her fashion sense is slightly out of date as well).

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows, either at GCP or another theater.
LM: I played Dr. Martha Livingston in "Agnes of God" last year. Before that, I was in "Anything Goes" as Reno Sweeny. I've been involved in shows at GCP since I was 10 years old.

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "9 to 5"?
LM: Judy has some really great songs, especially in the 2nd act. Her song "Get Out and Stay Out" is a great number! Plus, she's so awkward in the beginning and then gets some gumption...I love that about her. She makes two great friends (Violet and DoraLee) and she hasn't really had much in her life besides her husband. It's great to see how much she grows in the musical.

GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
LM: I really like the songs that the three ladies sing together. "I Just Might" and "Shine Like the Sun." I think we sound really good together, and the ensemble back-up is really pretty. There's some really great harmonies that Dolly Parton wrote for the show (she wrote all the songs).

GCP Girl: Tell me about your least favorite job.
LM: Ha ha! I was a server in NYC at this lunch/dinner joint called Simply Pasta. I really only liked one of the managers, my fellow servers were all pretty "seasoned," and the owners were a married couple that had that whole entitled complex. The best thing about the job were the bread knots!

GCP Girl: What are you looking forward to the most about performing in "9 to 5"?
LM: Tying up Matt (Mr. Hart) to his desk chair and wheeling him around the stage. Seriously though, I'm looking forward to being all together as a cast and performing with some super talented people and singing our little hearts out! 

GCP Girl: Why should people see this show?
LM: It has really great songs! If you liked the movie, I think you'll be guaranteed to liking the musical! There's so many talented people in this show! And come on, we're bringing back '80s fashion! What's not to love about that!

GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
LM: I'm ENGAGED to Moss Crutchfield and I'm over the moon about it! :)

Thanks, Leannis, and congrats on the news! Break a leg tonight!

xo xo GCP Girl

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