Friday, December 9, 2011

"A Christmas Story" cast profile: Laurel Ring

Laurel Ring disapproves of the Old Man's taste in lighting fixtures as Mother in "A Christmas Story"!

GCP Girl:
Tell me a bit about your character.
LR: I play Ralphie's mother. She's a bit different from the mom in the movie - this mom is smart and keeps the Parker house running smoothly, if such a thing is possible.

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
LR: Most recently, I was an usherette (among other things) in "The Producers" at the GCP. Before that, I played Olivia in "Shakespeare in Hollywood," and was in the chorus of "Hello, Dolly!," "Hot Mikado" and "The Music Man" at the GCP.

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "A Christmas Story"?
LR: The movie is a holiday favorite in my family, and I thought it would be fun to be part of the show.

GCP Girl: What is your favorite scene in the show?
LR: The jungle scene is entertaining (watch out for those herds of pythons!). I also enjoy the leg lamp scene and Ralphie's gift from Aunt Clara.

GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
LR: My favorite part is always the performances. There's nothing like a live audience!

GCP Girl: Finish this sentence: "I know it's the holiday season when..."
LR: I hear certain songs. Some favorites are the Muppets' "12 Days of Christmas," Alvin and the Chipmunks' "Christmas Don't Be Late," Wham!'s "Last Christmas," and Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas?" (which tells you when I grew up!).

GCP Girl: What is your favorite winter holiday tradition?
LR: I like it all -- Christmas songs, baking, parties, and shopping are all great! I especially enjoy drawing my own designs on Christmas card envelopes.

GCP Girl: In "A Christmas Story," Ralphie tells us about his most memorable Christmas. Tell me about your most memorable holiday.
LR: My most memorable Christmas gift was one of the first American Girl dolls when I was eleven. I still have my Samantha (made in Germany when AG was a small, private business named Pleasant Company). AG is something I have in common with my onstage "son," Nadia!

GCP Girl: What are you looking forward to the most this holiday season?
LR: Having some time off to spend with my family.

GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
LR: I don't eat oatmeal. It's in my contract.

Thanks, Laurel! Only three more chances to see the show before it's gone!

xo xo GCP Girl

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