Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Forum" cast profile: Azhya James

Azhya James makes her debut at the GCP as the courtesan Vibrata, who is "lithe as a tigress...for the man whose interest is wildlife!"

GCP Girl:
Tell me a bit about your character.
AJ: My character's name is Vibrata; she is a courtesan in the House of Marcus Lycus.

GCP Girl:  Tell me about some of your previous shows. 
AJ: My previous theatre experiences were all middle and high school productions. In "Cinderella and the Wolfman," I played one of the wicked stepsisters, and recently a small production called "Frances," where I played a young woman living in 1950s America.

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show? 
AJ: To have something other than school and work to think about. I had not done theatre since high school and felt it would be fun.

GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
AJ: Meeting new people. My cast is full of amazing people from all different walks of life and theatre. 

GCP Girl: If you could sing one song in the show that is actually sung by another character, which one would it be and why?
AJ: I wouldn't. 

GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from this show?
AJ: I hope the audience laughs until they shed tears and takes home a feeling of being completely entertained.

GCP Girl: What inspires you?
AJ: My family inspires me.

GCP Girl: Broadway is drawing a lot of its inspiration from TV shows and movies lately. What TV show or movie would you like to see turned into a Broadway musical? 
AJ: That is a hard question and one that I would really have to think deeper on before attempting to answer.

GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
AJ: I am a junior USF student taking classes online right now for my BS in health science. I have recently been asked to publish a book of work I've written called "Mixed Emotions," which should be available for purchase later this year.

Thanks, Azhya! 
xo xo GCP Girl

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