Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Chasing Manet" cast profile: Malcolm Sanford

Malcolm Sanford portrays two very different personalities in a dual role in "Chasing Manet"!

GCP Girl: Tell me a bit about your character.
MS: I am two characters, Maurice (pronounced like Morris) and Sherwood. Maurice is kind of the head of an extended Jewish family, keeping everyone together. He is somewhat bombastic and clearly the leader of the pack. Sherwood is a patient in the nursing home. Although supposedly the proverbial "dirty old man," I really don't necessarily see him that way, since he really can't do what he says he'd like to and so is harmless. He clearly gets "turned on" when references to the opposite sex appear in the play. We get no clue in the production of what he might have been like before living in the nursing home.

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows..
MS: I have been in quite a few shows beginning in the early 1980s in most theatrical venues around Gainesville. You can see my acting resume at:

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "Chasing Manet"?
MS: I audition for any production I have time to do. I also enjoy watching auditions.

GCP Girl: What is your favorite scene in the show?
MS: I don't have a favorite. Both are radically different, requiring two distinct approaches.

GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in preparing for this show?
MS: Most notes have indicated directors can't hear me as Sherwood, although they can as Maurice. I am attempting to understand why this character does not stand out enough.

GCP Girl: What does "Chasing Manet" say to you? Why should people see it?
MS: My mother (age 92 with advanced dementia) is in a similar home in Decatur, Georgia at one of many places under the Emeritus name: People should attend to get a better understanding of what people are going through as either patients or caretakers of those confined to "memory care" facilities. They also might see their own future in this; we as a people have really not come to grips with the downside of living longer and what it means to confront death in this society. Art imitates life good or bad. In some cases, we treat our pets more humanely than our closest human relatives.

GCP Girl: What plays or musicals would you like to see GCP produce in an upcoming season?
MS: I am open to anything that comes along.

GCP Girl: Tell me one of your New Year's resolutions.
MS: To not push so hard in physical activities that I get injured, a delicate balancing act.

GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
MS: Everyone should buy my book: ; see my professional resume at

Thanks, Malcolm! "Chasing Manet" starts back up tonight for its second week!

xo xo GCP Girl

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