Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Forum" cast profile: Amy Smith

GCP newcomer Amy Smith is all that is lovely as Philia in "Forum"!

GCP Girl:
Tell me a bit about your character.
AS: My name is Philia! Philia is a silly, dim-witted courtesan in the House of Lycus. She is nearly always unaware of what's going on around her.

GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
AS: This is my first show at GCP, but I've been a stone cold diva since the age of 9, when I made my theatre debut in the role of "Ten-Year-Old Tommy." 

GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show?
AS: I LOVE the movie. Seriously, it's one of my favorites. When my sisters and I would stay up all night watching movies, this was one of our staples. I knew I had to make my siblings proud, so I auditioned! 

GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
AS: Oh my goodness. I love being part of a show and the high of being applauded for, don't get me wrong, but I love the people I've met through this show most of all. I adore everyone. 

GCP Girl: If you could sing one song in the show that is actually sung by another character, which one would it be and why?
AS: "I'm Calm." I sit backstage during that song every night because I love it so much. I couldn't rock it like Thomas though, he's da bomb on that song. 

GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from this show?
AS: Gosh, I hope they feel giggly and happy when they leave. I couldn't ask for more.

GCP Girl: What inspires you?
AS: So many things. I am surrounded by beautiful people and things. I try to look for inspiration in everything.

GCP Girl: Broadway is drawing a lot of its inspiration from TV shows and movies lately. What TV show or movie would you like to see turned into a Broadway musical?
AS: Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter. Yes, PLEASE! I would even volunteer myself to draft the script and play Hagrid.

GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
AS: I love to read and knit. 

Thanks, Amy! Playgoers, get thee to this show before it's gone forever!!
xo xo GCP Girl

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