Stephanie Kelly plays Kathy Selden, the lovely leading lady of "Singin' in the Rain"...
SK: Stop yelling at me.
GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
SK: In high school I was in "The Pirates of Penzance." I played your typical stuffy English aristocrat, Edith. It was one of my finer theatrical moments. One of the finer theatrical moments, period. I played the role with dignity, poise, and a subtle demureness that could only be described as ethereal. The cast voted me “best stripper.”
GCP Girl: What do you feel is your area of expertise – singing, dancing or acting?
SK: I’m not falling into your trap, GCP Girl… Sure. I know how this goes. I pick one option, and suddenly it’s…. “Well, well, well, Stephanie here thinks she’s an EXPERT at ing. Can you BELIEVE the audacity? The NERVE! Who does she think she is? Neil Patrick Harris? I’ve SEEN Doogie Howser, and you can bet your sweet bippy, she’s no NPH…. She wishes.” I’ll plead the fifth on this one, thanks.
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of the "Singin' in the Rain" experience so far?
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of the "Singin' in the Rain" experience so far?
SK: Figuring out exactly HOW it is that GCP girl manages to “anonymously” interview cast and crew members. I just assumed she used a mask and an auto-tune. Maybe a trench coat…Not so. I can tell you, the answer is much more technological.
GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
SK: "Singin’ in the Rain" has so many iconic songs, it’s hard to pick a favorite! I like “Interlude 3” though. It sounds like the flight of a bumblebee.
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
SK: Lucy in "Jekyll and Hyde," or maybe Aldonza in "Man of La Mancha." Essentially, a hooker with a heart of gold… I would also consider playing Bea Arthur in a biopic. If the price is right.
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
SK: Caffeine usually.
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
SK: Warm and fuzzies galore. It’s a feeling that is somewhere between a hug from your favorite Disney character and a free combo meal upgrade.
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
SK: I need a job. A real one, preferably. Money, hours, the works. GRRRRRRRR…. Sorry, that was my stomach.
Sounds like Steph needs to visit Sarah or Norma and volunteer for taste-testing! And here's something scary...as I'm writing this, "Singin' in the Rain" just popped up on my iTunes shuffle!!
xo xo GCP Girl
Steph, i only just realized how very funny you are. <3