Sarah Nesselroade brings her acting talent to the role of Lina Lamont, the movie star with a voice that could shatter glass, in "Singin' in the Rain"!
SN: At GCP, I have also done “It’s a Wonderful Life.” I also recently was in “Closer” at the Acrosstown. I did about a gazillion shows in college.
GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
SN: So far, "Closer" was my favorite show I have done. I found my character extremely challenging and deep, but I’m loving the character of Lina as well. They are completely opposite roles, which I like. I love versatility!
GCP Girl: What do you feel is your area of expertise – singing, dancing or acting?
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of the "Singin' in the Rain" experience so far?
SN: Getting to know everyone in the cast, and I LOVE my role!
GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
SN: Well, I’m only in the finale……but I love watching "Broadway Melody," because everyone in the show (aside from me) is on stage together!
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
SN: Hmmmm……..Stage---Glinda in “Wicked.” Or Catherine in “Proof.”
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
SN: Stories!! Fiction and nonfiction. I love stories because they are heartbreaking or funny or inspirational, or whatever. Stories can reach everyone and they are a way for people to connect to each other, and they encourage the use of our imaginations! I LOVE acting because we get the chance to tell and experience them!
">GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
SN: I think Community theatre is wonderful, because you have a mix of people who are doing it as a hobby and people who want to pursue it as a career, but all are extremely passionate. And we work SO hard and are not getting paid. That shows that we are all involved because we LOVE it and for no other reason. And the people are great. You get to know intelligent, creative, imaginative people from all walks of life and they become your greatest friends.
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
SN: Oh geez! Mmmmmm……I want to go to culinary school but only to learn how to cook better at home. I love food and wine and entertaining, so I want to attend culinary school just so I can throw exquisite parties and cook exceptional meals!!!
Hmmm...sounds like Sarah and Norma need to get together and make dinner for the cast! Curtain goes up at 8 p.m. tonight!
xo xo GCP Girl
If only there was time for that! - Norma