Monday, March 18, 2013

"Moonlight & Magnolias" auditions are this weekend!

"Moonlight & Magnolias" director Carlos Asse dropped by to offer some practical advice for auditions, which are coming up this Sunday and Monday, March 24-25, at 7 p.m. at the GCP.

GCP Girl: Why did you want to direct "Moonlight & Magnolias"?
CA: "Moonlight & Magnolias" offers a rare treat in that it mixes some of the craziest farcical slapstick comedy while addressing some philosophical social issues. For example: How do we feel about art? What about racism? How might the impending Second World War affect us? You must, when directing the show, walk a fine line between these heavy topics and the lighthearted comedic approach to some of the other situations that arise. Doing that successfully is always tricky and very challenging!

GCP Girl: What is your vision for this show?
CA: The play takes place at the office of one of the top producers of Hollywood at the time, so the scenery must have some kind of high style. The year being 1939 also conjures images of art deco, etc. . . and the location, California, also conjures images of a specific type of architecture. Then a concrete image begins to form in which one must recreate and tell the story well.

GCP Girl: What are you looking for in those who audition?
CA: The talent auditioning must be agile and fit, because of the rigorous demands that the play requires. It also calls for those who can do comedy as well as handle more serious topics and make all these believable at once.

GCP Girl: Why should people audition for "Moonlight & Magnolias"?
CA: If you think you have those qualities I listed above, there are seldom plays that offer the opportunity to mix all these expressions at the same time. "Moonlight & Magnolias" provides actors with meaty roles that are challenging and creative to portray.

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