GCP Girl: Tell me a bit about your character.
KA: My character's name is Joanne Jefferson. Joanne is a Harvard graduate and practices corporate law in NYC. She is a very logical and "by the rules" kind of person...you know, the kind that likes to highlight books just for fun, or make lists organizing her book collection just so she has this on file. She is also in love with Maureen, which is scary to Joanne and where a lot of her conflict in the show comes from. Maureen and Joanne are an "opposites attract" situation in every sense of the phrase...can't live with her, can't live without her.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
KA: I was an actor in Chicago for seven years and have a plethora of shows under my belt. Everything from musicals, children's theater, plays, movies, TV...the list goes on and on. The first show I did at GCP was "Forum," where I played Domina. "Rent" will be my fifth show at the GCP.
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "Rent"?
KA: "Rent" has been on my "Theater Bucket List" for a while now. I originally saw "Rent" on Broadway in 1997 with most of the original cast (minus Daphne Ruben-Vega), and we even did a talk back session with Anthony Rapp, Adam Pascal and Jesse L. Martin. Since then, I absolutely fell in love with the show. I would listen to the CD every single night and would sing it in the car, much to the chagrin of my mom. I am so excited to finally have an opportunity to be a part of the experience.
GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
KA: There are so many; almost all the songs are my favorite. I like performing "Tango: Maureen" and "Take Me or Leave Me." Those are a lot of fun. "La Vie Boheme" is a lot of energy and I get goosebumps while dancing. I love watching "What You Own," "Santa Fe," "Today 4 U"....I can't pick just one!!!
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
KA: This cast got bonded pretty quickly. You can definitely tell that everyone loves this show and wants it to be the best it can be. I've never been a part of a show to where everyone has just been SO excited throughout the entire process to perform a show and make it perfect.
GCP Girl: Why should people see "Rent"?
KA: "Rent" is not your grandma's musical, kids. It is an entirely different breed and I think will be appealing to younger (meaning college-age) audiences. However, I think Jonathan Larson did something so unique by putting in such an important message within a rock n' roll setting. That message is to live each day to its fullest. Enjoy the people around you and savor it, because you never know when they will be gone. Dealing with HIV is a big part of this show and which I think a lot of people can relate to. Even if you don't know someone with HIV, you probably know someone with cancer or with a debilitating disease or even in the military to where you don't know when they leave if you'll see them again. This musical talks about dealing with life in the best way possible, and that's what I hope audiences leave with...hope and love.
GCP Girl: Which musicals would you like to see GCP produce in coming seasons?
KA: "Sweeney Todd" and Erin's favorite, "CHICAGO"!!! (Pushing for ya Erin ;) )
GCP Girl: What would you tell someone who is thinking of auditioning for a show at GCP?
KA: Just do it. Everyone is very supportive and just as nervous as anyone else to get up there. It's worth it to be a part of theater and a show. It becomes your family for 3-4 months and beyond. So just do it. You don't have anything to lose.
GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
KA: I'm not really a lesbian, I just play one on stage...and sometimes backstage...I'm method.
Thanks, Kelley! Everyone, get yourselves over to the GCP and see this show!
xo xo GCP Girl
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