Lola Hassan-Adams adds another character to her already impressive roster as Betty in "Funny Money"!
LHA: Betty Johnson is a fun-loving character who just wants that "something" more out of life.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
LHA: Some? Well,.... most recently I was Calpurnia in"To Kill a Mockingbird" at GCP. Before that, I was Sister Robertanne in "Nuncrackers" at GCP, and before that I was a bumbling pirate in "Peter Pan," also at GCP! And that's it for the past year! :)
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show?
LHA: Because I liked the script, REALLY wanted to work with Jan and Mercer, and thought it would be tons of fun to do another straight show. And.... I had the itch after only one month of not working on a show. How pathetic is that?
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
LHA: Working with Jan has been amazing! She gets right up there with you and gets her hands dirty. It's so much fun to work with a hands-on director who knows her stuff! We're all like a bunch of little kids who just want to please the teacher and make her happy and get that smile at the end of the day.
GCP Girl: If you discovered a briefcase with $1 million, what would you do with it?
LHA: Get myself and my family out of debt, toss some to a charity, and then get the heck out of dodge!
GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from this show?
LHA: A good time. Just laugh. Loud. LOTS.
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
LHA: Right now, I'd say the drive to not disappoint my fellow actors or the production team.
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
LHA: Hrmmmmm,.....One of my pet peeves is when someone asks the same question, over, and over, and over, and over again, expecting a different answer! Isn't that part of the definition of insanity?! :P Totally drives me batty! Also.... Kids and kitties make me happy. Kids only if they're not mine, kitties, mainly if they're mine!
Thanks, Lola! Break a leg tonight!
xo xo GCP Girl
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