As taxi driver Bill in "Funny Money," Malik Grady just wants to take someone to the airport. Anyone. Anyone at all...
MG: My character's name is Bill, the increasingly exasperated cabbie from Fulham Taxis. In the slightly altered words of Chick Hearn in Fletch: "You know this gritty kid from the streets of Fulham really creates excitement. $4 million dollars a year, that's true, but he earns
every nickel of it."
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
MG: I'll always of course be eternally grateful to Susan Christophy for casting me in my first show ever, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." I'd say that I've had three shows that really resonated with me the most. Getting one of the leads in my second show, "Hot Mikado," and being able to sing alongside Justin Slack and Thomas Sanders was tremendous, and of course, the likely role of my lifetime as Leading Player in "Pippin." I also loved stretching myself to play three roles in one play, "They Sing Christmas Up in Harlem" (Bob Crachit, Marley, and the speaker of the titular poem in the play).
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show?
MG: This was my latest attempt to finally get into a non-musical (straight, lol) play at the GCP, as well as the opportunity to work for a respected and accomplished director in Jan Cohen.
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
MG: Managing (hopefully) not to be the weakest link and tarnish the great performances of the rest of the cast, as well as approximating an accent that doesn't embarrass me.
GCP Girl: If you discovered a briefcase with $1 million, what would you do with it?
MG: I'd pay off all of my debts, take Sarah on a trip around the world, put her through school and see what's left over!
GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from this show?
MG: I hope that audiences are affected by the energy and fun of the show, and breathlessly hang on for the ride, laughing to themselves the entire time!
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
MG: I'm inspired by the opportunity every day to savor life and bring joy to others, and hopefully bring people together. My hope is that I succeed in making my little corner of the world a brighter place. I'm also inspired by basketball and boneless buffalo wings.
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
MG: I not only drink the Kool-Aid, I make my own (secret ingredient: lemon juice).
Thanks, Malik! We'll have to try that sometime. This is your last week to see "Funny Money" before it closes!!
xo xo GCP Girl