GCP Girl: Tell me a bit about your character.
AB: I’m in the ensemble, so I get to play a pretty wide variety of roles. I go from an office worker to alter-ego to mobster to skunk to an overwhelmed nurse to a boy, then back to an office worker! It’s great.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
AB: Growing up in Gainesville, I was actually a part of a production of "Snow White" that Rhonda Wilson directed when I was in elementary school. Since then, I became a member of Danscompany of Gainesville and stayed there for seven years. We did the ballet "Cinderella" every winter and a spring concert that featured "The Wiz." Through the years, I have been fortunate to be cast as Nightflower, Spring Fairy, and in my last spring as a member I was blessed with the role of Dorothy. During this past fall I was privileged to be cast in "Trial By Jury," Santa Fe College’s first operetta.
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "9 to 5"?
AB: I actually didn’t technically audition for “9 to 5,” but Kevin Anderson contacted me because they needed a few extra dancers. I didn’t know at the time that I would be able to get this wonderful experience!
GCP Girl: What is your favorite musical number in the show?
AB: I’m not sure what my favorite musical number is, but my favorite sequence in the show is the fantasy scenes. I love going from a sexy mobster to a skunk in less than five minutes. The variety is pretty hilarious, for me at least.
GCP Girl: Tell me about your least favorite job.
AB: My least favorite job is probably finding clipboards for my boss and me before the top of the show -- they always seem to walk away from wherever I put them...although I think this question might be referring to a real job…
GCP Girl: What are you looking forward to the most about performing in "9 to 5"?
AB: Performing in “9 to 5” after all the rehearsal hours and work everyone put in is really great. Seeing all the big music and dance numbers come together is awesome, and also just hearing the audience actually laughing at the jokes I’ve now heard over a hundred times now, and realizing that it is in fact a well put together and comedic show is pretty exhilarating.
GCP Girl: Why should people see this show?
AB: If people want to laugh at witty and fantastic suggestive humor while enjoying stepping back in time, this is the perfect show for them. Plus, there’s so much talent to see on this stage!
GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
AB: Well, obviously I want everyone to know that, since the show, I’ve become friends with THE Brittney Kelly…so I’m famous by association and I’m really excited about it.
Thanks, Alyssa! This is the last weekend for the show - enjoy it while you still can!
xo xo GCP Girl