Madeleine Escarne's Mayme tells it like it is in "Intimate Apparel"!
GCP Girl: Tell me your name, your character's name, and a bit about your character.
ME: I play Mayme, a “good” friend to Esther; she is trying to find her place and validation in life, even with a not-so-glamorous profession.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
ME: I was in "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Wiz" at the GCP, and "The Commedia Tales of…King Arthur" and "Sinbad" at The Thomas Center Theater for Young Audiences.
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for "Intimate Apparel"?
ME: First, because Ms. Rhonda Wilson was directing…but mainly, the play is written by one of my favorite playwrights, Lynn Nottage. It is a human story that deals with real life issues that could just as easily be portrayed in today as it was in 1905.
GCP Girl: What is your favorite scene in the show?
ME: When Mrs. Dickson explains to Esther how her mother did not want her to be a “…washer woman if it killed her.” That monologue is so intriguing and Ms. Shetiquea Davis plays the part so well.
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
ME: Getting to play someone who is so far from me in real life. The growth and experience in learning that part (with much appreciated help and direction from Rhonda, Shontae and Steven) has been priceless for my development in theater as a whole.
GCP Girl: What have you learned during the show about life in 1905?
ME: Life is so cyclical…you think a person may have had it easier or harder in a certain time period, but there truly is nothing new under the sun; it just may manifest in a different way.
GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from "Intimate Apparel"?
ME: I hope that they see that this is not just an African-American story, but a true human story. That no matter the make-up of the cast, the importance is to focus on what is being told and support should be shown in the same way as with other plays.
GCP Girl: What plays or musicals would you like to see GCP produce in an upcoming season?
ME: A few more plays by Lynn Nottage, and other poignant playwrights. Maybe something adapted from my favorite Haitian-American novelist, Edwidge Danticat.
GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
ME: Every opportunity I have to come before people through theater, I truly count it as an honor and blessing from God to be able to share the talent that He has given me.
Thanks, Madeleine! Opening night is tonight - do you have your tickets yet?
xo xo GCP Girl