GCP vet Caitlin Hunter lends a hand as the fly system operator on the crew of " The Wiz"! I also hear she made that fabulous Scarecrow costume...
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
CH: This show actually marks my 20th production I've worked on at GCP! I've done stuff onstage and off; most recently, I was Falcon Ivy in "Peter Pan." Aside from acting in shows here, I've also done tech and been on the production team for a ton of shows, my favorites being "See How They Run" (AD) and "The Secret Garden" (ASM).
GCP Girl: Why did you volunteer for this show?
CH: I actually couldn't audition because of school, but I just asked Sarah if she needed me on tech, and she said yes. Most painless audition EVER :)
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
CH: The people. Definitely. I love everyone I get to work with. These people genuinely care about each other. It's a great environment to be in.
GCP Girl: If you could be a character in the show, which one would you choose and why?
CH: Oh wow. A crow. Definitely one of the crows. They are so funny. Also, I love that song and dance to it in the wings. Well, I love "Brand New Day," too. I dance to that one in the wings as well...So, a Crow and a Winkie.
GCP Girl: If you went to Oz instead of Dorothy, what would be your favorite part of the trip?
CH: Randomly bursting into song and dance! I mean, who wouldn't find that the most fun part?
GCP Girl: Why do you think "The Wizard of Oz" is such a popular story with both children and adults?
CH: Who doesn't love a story about friendship and love? Honestly, "The Wizard of Oz" just instills people with so much hope. Hope that even in the darkest of times, you are always just three clicks away from people who love you. Even when you feel like you are lacking in something in your life, whether its a brain, a heart, courage, or something else, you can still be the best person you can be and get over that. Everyone needs to know that even with their short-comings, they are still worthy of love and compassion, and that you always have someone looking out for you.
GCP Girl: What would you tell someone who is considering auditioning for a GCP show?
CH: Don't be a stranger! Shows at GCP are not only a fantastic learning experience, but they also are a great place to meet people and create life-long friendships. I've met a lot of my best friends through the theatre. We won't bite. Come out and audition. We'd love to have you join our family!
GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
CH: "The Wiz" is a fantastic show and everyone should come out and see it! Everyone has worked extremely hard and we'd love to see your face in the audience!!!
Thanks, Caitlin! "The Wiz" is only on stage this week and next - get your tickets now!
xo xo GCP Girl