GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
TS: I was most recently seen in “A Funny Thing…” as Hysterium and “Singin’ in the Rain” as Don Lockwood. I’ve also played Slightly Soiled in “Peter Pan,” Ko-Ko in “Hot Mikado,” and Cornelius Hackl in “Hello Dolly!”. I can’t get enough of the GCP stage, ha ha.
GCP Girl: What is your actual "day job"?
TS: Well, I’m a chemical engineering student at UF, and I’m also a sales associate at Gator Mania in the mall. Come visit me there when you get the chance!
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show?
TS: I was last in an Erin Kleim show last summer for “Peter Pan” and she does a really thorough job for shows in order to make it an amazing spectacle. I wanted to be a part of that again this year, and the experience is once again the same! Mel Brooks is also an awesome comedic genius who has always had a passion for Broadway, which you can find in almost all of his movies, and this is not demonstrated any better than his show “The Producers.” I definitely hoped to make his vision come true.
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
TS: Definitely working with such an awesome and talented cast! I mean, I can’t say enough about Bryan, Esteban, Leannis, Jonathan, and Alan. They ALL bring so much to the table! Not to mention the amazing skills from each and every person in the ensemble, tech, and production crew! Every night in the dressing room, the guys always have me cracking up, which has been the icing on the cake! I’ve made so many new friends and Erin has been such an awesome director. I can’t thank her enough for the opportunity!
GCP Girl: What is your favorite number in the show, and why?
TS: Wow, that one is tough…“Der Guten Tag Hop Clop” is definitely up there, along with “Keep it Gay” and “When You Got It, Flaunt It”! But every song in this show is done so well, I couldn’t pick a least favorite number even if I tried!
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Mel Brooks movie?
TS: That would have to be "Robin Hood: Men in Tights"! There’s still parts of that movie that I laugh at just thinking about it!
GCP Girl: What would you tell someone who is considering auditioning for a GCP show?
TS: Please, please, please just come out and show them what you have! There is absolutely NO reason for anyone to feel intimidated or less talented, and you could have exactly what the director is looking for. The GCP is constantly dedicated to casting at least one new person each and every show. The opportunity for making new friends is always here, so please, it is definitely worth a try!
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
TS: For me, it is one of the best demonstrations of community in general. This entire production has been made possible by normal Gainesville citizens, whether workers or students, who have dedicated their nights, weekends, and even weekdays to making the production as perfect as they can. These normal people work together to provide a night of entertainment for the public, simply because of their united love of theatre. It is just so cool to be a part of that.
GCP Girl: Tell me something you'd like everyone to know!
TS: Although my degree is in chemical engineering, I would really like to continue to pursue acting for a very long time. It hasn’t hindered me so far!
Thanks, Thomas! Only two more chances to see "The Producers" – don't miss it!