Thomas Sanders is calm and utterly under control as Hysterium in "Forum"!
TS: I play Hysterium in the show. I would say he is one of the more quirky characters in the show, but then, who isn’t quirky in this show? He’s just a jittery, nervous servant who kisses up to his masters. Now, the entire household has been left in his care. Naturally, things are bound to go wrong for him.
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
TS: At the GCP, I’ve played the Lord High Executioner, Ko-ko (thanks for letting me keep the sword, Bob) in “Hot Mikado,” 33-year-old Chief Clerk Cornelius Hackl in “Hello Dolly!,” the Lost Boy Slightly in “Peter Pan,” and I’ve also played Don Lockwood in this past fall’s show, “Singin’ in the Rain.” Other shows I’ve appeared in include “Beauty and the Beast,” “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers,” “Oliver!,” “Jane Eyre,” “Shakespeare in Hollywood,” and I even had a little cameo in “To Kill a Mockingbird”!
GCP Girl: Why did you audition for this show?
TS: Well, I had watched “A Funny Thing…” before on stage and I was familiar with the role of Hysterium. That character always stood out to me, possibly because it really doesn’t resemble anything I’ve ever played before. It is the complete opposite of Don Lockwood, that’s for sure! I wanted to give myself a real challenge, so I went out for that part and I was lucky enough to get it! I only hope that I capture the character that Sondheim meant for him to be. Making people laugh isn’t a bad feeling either…
TS: Well, I had watched “A Funny Thing…” before on stage and I was familiar with the role of Hysterium. That character always stood out to me, possibly because it really doesn’t resemble anything I’ve ever played before. It is the complete opposite of Don Lockwood, that’s for sure! I wanted to give myself a real challenge, so I went out for that part and I was lucky enough to get it! I only hope that I capture the character that Sondheim meant for him to be. Making people laugh isn’t a bad feeling either…
GCP Girl: What has been your favorite part of this experience so far?
TS: Definitely the reactions from the audience! There are certain scenes and one-liners in the show that just get the best laughs from the viewers. Hearing this means that they are engaged and very entertained and it gives you one of the best feelings. This is the very first show where I get to sing and act alongside Esteban Alvarez, and that has definitely given me the opportunity to act out and figure out the funniest way to do things!
TS: Definitely the reactions from the audience! There are certain scenes and one-liners in the show that just get the best laughs from the viewers. Hearing this means that they are engaged and very entertained and it gives you one of the best feelings. This is the very first show where I get to sing and act alongside Esteban Alvarez, and that has definitely given me the opportunity to act out and figure out the funniest way to do things!
GCP Girl: If you could sing one song in the show that is actually sung by another character, which one would it be and why?
TS: Wow…this is a tough one. I probably would have the most fun with “Bring Me My Bride,” just because I think that would be pretty fun to emote on stage with! Michael Antinelli does a fantastic job, though, and definitely brings more brawn to the table than I would!
TS: Wow…this is a tough one. I probably would have the most fun with “Bring Me My Bride,” just because I think that would be pretty fun to emote on stage with! Michael Antinelli does a fantastic job, though, and definitely brings more brawn to the table than I would!
GCP Girl: What do you hope audiences take away from this show?
TS: Simply, if they had fun and left the show feeling happier than before, I will go home satisfied. I’m there to make them smile. Trust me, my character goes to great lengths in order to achieve that!
TS: Simply, if they had fun and left the show feeling happier than before, I will go home satisfied. I’m there to make them smile. Trust me, my character goes to great lengths in order to achieve that!
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
TS: Oh, lots of things. Definitely my family, each and every one of them. They all have individually pursued various dreams and have taught me to leave all doors open to things that I love and engage in. How else could I be a singing and dancing Chemical Engineer? My friends have always driven me to keep up acting, which I’m so, so grateful for. I say “driven” in every since of the word. Not owning a car can be pretty strenuous, but my friends have always been pretty gracious with rides!
TS: Oh, lots of things. Definitely my family, each and every one of them. They all have individually pursued various dreams and have taught me to leave all doors open to things that I love and engage in. How else could I be a singing and dancing Chemical Engineer? My friends have always driven me to keep up acting, which I’m so, so grateful for. I say “driven” in every since of the word. Not owning a car can be pretty strenuous, but my friends have always been pretty gracious with rides!
GCP Girl: Broadway is drawing a lot of its inspiration from TV shows and movies lately. What TV show or movie would you like to see turned into a Broadway musical?
TS: I think anyone who knows me knows the answer to this: L O S T. How epic would that be? It would definitely be original and one-up everything else! A helicopter on stage? Whatever, here’s a plane crash! Singing cats? How about a singing polar bear?? Rapping in Spanish? Let’s go with a ballad in Korean! Oh, and a flying witch? Well, here’s an all-encompassing smoke monster! Pure epicness…
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
TS: Well, with any luck, I will definitely be coming back to perform at the GCP again, so keep an eye out for me in future shows!
TS: I think anyone who knows me knows the answer to this: L O S T. How epic would that be? It would definitely be original and one-up everything else! A helicopter on stage? Whatever, here’s a plane crash! Singing cats? How about a singing polar bear?? Rapping in Spanish? Let’s go with a ballad in Korean! Oh, and a flying witch? Well, here’s an all-encompassing smoke monster! Pure epicness…
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
TS: Well, with any luck, I will definitely be coming back to perform at the GCP again, so keep an eye out for me in future shows!
Thanks, Thomas! "Forum" starts off its third week tonight – only this week and next left to see it!
xo xo GCP Girl