Updates of the drama going on at the Gainesville Community Playhouse by your host GCP Girl.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Set construction this Saturday!
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Farewell Ode to "Shakespeare in Hollywood"
In nineteen thirty-four
Jack Warner's girl is hot
But wants to be much more
Shakespeare's not their thing
It seems they're out of luck
Till Oberon and Puck arrive
And then things run amok
Joe Brown wears a dress
A purple flower has love's power
And things become a mess
Dick Powell gets it next
Olivia drags Joe off
This show is oversexed
The party's out of hand
There is a massive fight
The fairy king steps in and then
His magic sets it right
Aunt Ethel gets a call
One wild night becomes dawn's light
And then things hit a wall
To Athens they'll return
But not before Hays sees
A lesson she must learn
The donkey head removed
Oberon takes his leave
But gives his love a gift
She'll never know that she received
The show's come to an end
Whether it's a happy one –
On you that all depends!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Dan Scholes

Dan Scholes plays movie mogul Sam Warner, and also makes a cameo as Tarzan...
GCP Girl: Tell me about your previous theatre experience.
DS: I did some theatre stuff in high school and in college a long time ago. Mostly I've done shows at GCP – 20+ by now. I've done mostly tech work and backstage stuff. A little bit of everything. I do like getting on stage whenever possible.
GCP Girl: Tell me a little about your character.
GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in this show?
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Shakespearean play?
GCP Girl: What do you want people to know about "Shakespeare in Hollywood"?
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
GCP Girl Exclusive: "Nuncrackers" Cast List!
Sister Hubert - Sarah Viskovich
Sister Robert Anne - Lola Hassan-Adams
Sister Mary Amnesia - Sarah Welch
Father Virgil Manly Trott - Esteban Alvarez III
Sister Mary Leo - Ashleigh Beatty
Maria - Abby Austin
Billy - Joey McGinn
Louise - Megan Hess
John - Kristopher Robinson
Andrew - Kurtis Robinson
Theresa - Alexes Burkhardt
Friday, September 11, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Carolyn Caracausa

Carolyn Caracausa returns to the GCP stage as Hollywood personality Louella Parsons...
GCP Girl: Tell me about your previous theatre experience.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Henry Wihnyk

GCP veteran Henry Wihnyk dons a tux and a German accent as "Midsummer Night's Dream" director Max Reinhardt...
GCP Girl: Tell me a little about your character.
HW: Max (a real person) was a famous stage director in Europe. He came to US to flee the Nazis and directed the film, Midsummer Night’s Dream for Warner Bros in 1934. It’s the only film he directed.
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Shakespearean play?
HW: Midsummer Night’s Dream
GCP Girl: What do you want people to know about "Shakespeare in Hollywood"?
HW: It’s very funny and has a talented cast.
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
HW: A great place to learn, get to know and work with talented people.
Thanks, Henry! Go see "Shakespeare in Hollywood" this weekend if you haven't already!
xo xo GCP Girl
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Review!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Jonny Gersten

Jonny Gersten debuts at the GCP as the great Jimmy Cagney in "Shakespeare in Hollywood"...
JG: Unfortunately I don't get to do shows as much as I would like; that said, I usually try to audition for a play once a year wherever I can! My last performance was in a play titled "Eggshells on my Back," a student-written show put on by the Florida Players at UF over a year ago.
JG: Jimmy did it all! He sang, danced and played a helluva gangster (among other things) throughout a 30+ year career!
GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in this show?
JG: The cast is extremely fun/funny backstage!
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
"Nuncrackers" auditions this weekend!
"Singin' in the Rain" cast list!!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Graham Zinger

Graham Zinger plays Daryl, Jack Warner's yes-man, who is surprised to find himself as the object of affection of not one but two determined women...
GCP Girl: Tell me about your previous theatre experience.
GZ: I've been acting since I was very little, maybe eight or so, nothing serious. I started pursuing theatre seriously once I started high school. So far I've had some pretty interesting roles; my favorite would have to be Margaret Meade in "Hair." If you don't know about that part, I was basically a cross dresser and got to sing a solo completely in falsetto. I am also very active in my school's Thespian Society and have competed at Districts and State for the past three years and have gotten all excellents and superiors. This is my third show at the GCP, but I haven't done a show for about four years.
GCP Girl: Tell me a little about your character.
GZ: I play the role of Daryl, who is the yes-man to Jack Warner. I mostly do whatever Warner tells me to, and most of my action comes in the third act and you'll see what I mean by "action" when you see the play.
GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in this show?
GZ: I thought it was going to be tough being in a show with a bunch of veterans of the GCP stage and not really knowing anyone, but everyone was welcoming and amazing. The real challenge for me was trying to be more militaristic. Pat wants me to stand up very straight and be stiff, which is very different from my usual posture.
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Shakespearean play?
GZ: It's not really a Shakespeare play, but I read "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" last year in my English class and I really liked it. I'm kind of into absurdest theatre.
GCP Girl: What do you want people to know about "Shakespeare in Hollywood"?
GZ: I want people to know that this is a action-packed show, but there is a little bit of waiting until we get to that point. Also, it's a great show with an amazing cast and we've all worked very hard to make this show the best we could, and that we just want everyone to enjoy it.
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
GZ: My dream role would probably be Melchior in "Spring Awakening." I have the right voice type for it, and the music is pretty but also rocks. It would be such a fun role to play, but a few of the scenes could be a bit awkward. I was Charlie Brown in "Snoopy" when I was 10 and I've always wanted to repeat that role.
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
GZ: I think community theatre is exactly what it says it is, a community. When I come to rehearsals, auditions, and shows, I feel welcome and I know a lot of the people there. Let's face it, most theatre people are a little offbeat, and what's better than getting together with a group of people that share the same passion for theatre that you do?
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
GZ: I'm single. But seriously, I guess I would just like everyone to know that I am definitely cooler than Daryl.
Thanks, Graham! Looking forward to seeing you in action!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Laurel Ring
GCP Girl: Tell me about your previous theatre experience.
LR: I've been singing and dancing on stage since I was four years old. At the GCP, I've been in productions of "Music Man," "Hot Mikado," and "Hello, Dolly!," and I played Rapunzel in the Star Center's "Into the Woods" last year. I also have been a regular soprano soloist in Handel's "Messiah."
GCP Girl: Tell me a little about your character.
LR: Olivia Darnell is a starlet about to appear in her first movie role, and she's completely star-struck by Hollywood -- and later, Oberon. She is based on Olivia deHavilland, who played the role of Hermia in the actual movie in 1935.
GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in this show?
LR: Where do I start?! This show was full of challenges for me, but if I have to choose one, it would be the last scene. There's a lot of pressure there to make it emotional and poignant, and I am not sure I am over stressing about it yet!
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Shakespearean play?
LR: The 10-year-old in me still loves "Romeo and Juliet" and "A Midsummer Night's Dream," since those are the plays I used to rehearse by myself from my grandmother's huge Shakespeare volume. As an adult, my favorite is "Much Ado About Nothing." I love the relationship between Beatrice and Benedick.
GCP Girl: What do you want people to know about "Shakespeare in Hollywood"?
LR: This show will not be what you expect, but you will love it. It really is a funny show with an outstanding cast.
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
LR: Christine in "Phantom of the Opera." I am dying to hit those notes! On the non-musical side, I would love to do some real Shakespeare...hint, hint...
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
LR: Personally, my return to theatre three years ago meant rediscovering a part of myself I had not realized was missing. My life is busier today than ever, but the quality has improved dramatically. In a larger sense, community theatre helps to bring culture and entertainment to the world.
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!
LR: Everyone should know how thankful I am, every day, to be part of this group. I owe huge thanks to our director, Pat Thomson, who is so patient with me; to the cast, for being wonderful; and to our dressers, who are kind enough to put up with my whirlwind costume changes!
Thanks, Laurel!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Huge article in the Sun!
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Jeremy Lambeth

JL: SIH is a lot of fun. Leave your preconceived notions at the ticket taker, because this show is a riot!
JL: Theatre is the greatest story-telling medium we possess. It's live, engaging and exhilarating. More people should experience the thrill of being on stage. The first time you charm a child in "The Wizard of Oz" or touch the heart of an audience in "Yours, Anne," you'll be hooked.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
"Shakespeare in Hollywood" Cast Profile: Amanda Gunn

GCP Girl: Tell me a little about your character.
GCP Girl: What was your biggest challenge in this show?
GCP Girl: What is your favorite Shakespearean play?
GCP Girl: What do you want people to know about "Shakespeare in Hollywood"?
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
GCP Girl: What does community theatre mean to you?
GCP Girl: Tell me something about yourself you'd like everyone to know!