"Pippin" Director Keith Newhouse dishes on his directorial debut!
GCP Girl: Tell me about some of your previous shows.
KN: At Wagner College, I was in "Anything Goes" (Sailor Quartet), "Titanic" (Edgar Beane), and "Pirates of Penzance" (Pirate). At the GCP, I've been in "Music Man" (Marcellus), "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," "Hot Mikado," "Hello, Dolly!" (Ambrose), "Jane Eyre" (Mason), and various tech positions, including Assistant Director for "Oliver."
GCP Girl: What was your favorite show?
KN: In 6th grade, my first lead role was in a play called "Really Rosie," by Maurice Sendak. I played Chicken Soup, and besides being a really fun part, the cast was so close. I just recently found my "sisters" on Facebook.
GCP Girl: What do you feel is your area of expertise - singing, acting or dancing?
KN: Singing, although only in musical theatre. I sound horrible singing pop/rock. I've been told I'm a pretty good actor, but I don't believe them. The only person who's ever enjoyed my dancing has been Margery Pierson, and of course there were the fabulous "footawagas" performed with Malik in "Seven Brides."
GCP Girl: What does your "Pippin" icon represent?
KN: An icon was created to represent the entire production team and crew. While I did not have anything to do with the design of it (I know my limitations of talent), to me it represents balance... the balance that is necessary to produce a successful play. Knowing what I can excel at on my own, versus what I will need help with from my production team and crew.
GCP Girl: What do you hope people take away from "Pippin"?
KN: While of course there is the Everyman story in "Pippin," I just want people (including the cast, crew and production team) to have fun. I also want people to realize that while I had a small hand in the play, the reason it's so great is because of everything that the production team, crew, and cast put into it. I want the audience to realize (and I think they do) just how much hard work and extra time was put into the show by each individual involved!
GCP Girl: What is your dream role?
KN: Gosh, it gets updated so frequently, but of course Mark in "Rent" is always on that list. Currently, Leaf Coneybear in "Spelling Bee," and The Man in Chair in "Drowsy Chaperone" top the list, and of course Leo in "The Producers" ;-) .
GCP Girl: What is your favorite quote?
KN: "Are you an idiot? No sir, I'm a dreamer."
GCP Girl: What inspires you?
KN: Passion.
GCP Girl: Tell me one thing about yourself you would like everyone to know!
KN: I'm not GCP Girl, so stop asking! :-P
Thanks, Keith! Congrats on a great show! Remember, there are eight more chances to see "Pippin" before it closes!
xo xo GCP Girl